Lonely Star

Sunrise Generation - The City of Sorelois


This was all generated with Swyvers and some bits and pieces from Skerples' Endon. It didn't see much action, unfortunately.

Provincial Capital of 30k, with castle, headed by the Daimyo, relationship to nearby hex and weird geography. (These are here because the hexes were primordially generated with Luke Gearing's method)

These are the plot points I had written down to spread over the city:

Abandoned Mine - An official of the estate is getting increasingly frustrated with a local abandoned mine, which apparently no one wants to go in and check out why the miners all left, and he can't ask the samurai to go and check because it would undermine his position and make him lose his job.* The mine is the refuge of the kabukimono ogres.

Kabukimono & Ronins - There's a ton of masterless warriors wandering around now. Some of them have formed a gang, they dress in gaudy clothes and use their weapons and war expertise to terrorise the locals.

The estate don't want to bother too much, so as long as they keep to the commoners, it will keep itself out of it. In response, the townsfolk are starting a vigilante league that could get out of hand.

Yakuza Extortion - A brotherhood of veteran footmen have been extorting the locals and doing a protection racket. They're mobsters, but they have actually managed to keep tabs on crime and the populace have mixed feelings on it, because they protect them from the kabukimono.

Renegade Ninja - A ninja has fled here from the clan on the mountains, now they're looking for them.


Evil Rebellion, the Castle District

Size - Tiny, 10 min to cross


Adventure Site - The Castle was built on the ruins of a fortified temple of the Sun School. The Demon Fool razed the temple after a four-year siege 22 years ago, and ordered the construction of the castle. Some whisper that the ghosts of the dead priests still linger in the basements of the castle, a series of dungeons that descend 3 levels into the depths.

Divine Rice, the Knight District

Size - Tiny, 10 min to cross

Density - Dense (3000 approximately, all of the Lord's Knights)

Wealth - Affluent

Crime Levels - None

Watch Presence - Average


Magistrate's Court & Jail

The Main House - A hotel and accommodations for Grandees and their retinues. Otherwise it acts as a very exclusive social club and teahouse where the great come to drink tea, discuss "very important matters", and meditate. Also offers very tasteful courtesan-entertainers. Guards at the door refuse anyone who's not dressed like a knight or aristocrat.

Can be found here:

There are no other hotels or restaurants here.

The Clidulc Mansion [^clidulc]

The Salam Mansion

The d'Angard Mansion

The Berenlif Mansion

Crane School - Hates the Turtles.

Center of the Meditation School in the city

Silver Mint, the Rich Merchant District

Size - Small, 20 min to cross

Density - Normal (1000 approximately)

Wealth - Rich

Crime Levels - Pervasive (Mob)

Watch Presence - Average


Accomodations: Merchant Hotels, Moderate Dinner+, all drinks

Percy's House - Percy the Killer lives here, barely disguised in a rich merchant mansion.

Turtle Sword School - Hates the Cranes.

Grandee's Docks - For the exclusive use of military ships and transports. In practice, anyone with forged paperwork.

Bank - Rumoured hoard of gold; actual hoard of paperwork and bureaucrats.

Middle Valley, the Aristocratic District

Size - Small, 20 min to cross

Density - Quiet (1000 approximately)

Wealth - Rich

Crime Levels - None

Watch Presence - Extreme


Anvil Bellbird, the Grandee's Armourer. Can craft good weapons and armours but only under written permission from the Grandee. Loyal, perfectionist, is a proud Aristocrat of the Bellbird Family and loves most making artful weapons.

The Gull House - Aristocratic courtesan and drinking establishment.

The Finch House - The fancy hotel and restaurant in town.

The Honey House - Designer confectionery.

Music Hill, the Shops District

Size - Huge, 60 min to cross

Density - Quiet (1000 approximately)

Wealth - Middle Class

Crime Levels - Pervasive (Mob)

Watch Presence - None


Arms, popular blacksmith. Makes serviceable pots and things like that, can only make shortswords and even they aren't very resistant. Cultured, adept of the Meditation School.

Eight Corners Stable - Absolutist wrestling stable.

Lashin Temple Complex - A Water Lily School temple complex that houses the largest and most diverse collection of temples in the city. Most of them weird and fringe, hence the distance from Baca.

Shallow Grass, the Entertainment District

Size - Small, 20 min to cross

Density - Normal (3000 approximately)

Wealth - Middle Class

Crime Levels - Pervasive (Mob)

Watch Presence - Average


Reasonable hotels.

Battlegrounds between the mob and the wild knights

Fortunate Fields, the Red Light District

Size - Large, 45 min to cross

Density - Normal (3000 approximately)

Wealth - Poor

Crime Levels - Pervasive (Mob)

Watch Presence - Average


Brothels and such

Kabuki show

McSweeny’s Pies, sells delicious meat pies to passing traffic. Nobody else can get the filling right.

Deep River, the Mob-Dominated District

Size - Tiny, 10 min to cross

Density - Normal (3000 approximately)

Wealth - Poor

Crime Levels - Pervasive (Mob)

Watch Presence - None


Cheap and coaching inns.

Main Gambling Den - Where most people go to gamble.

Rootwater, the Working Class District

Size - Small, 20 min to cross

Density - Normal (3000 approximately)

Wealth - Poor

Crime Levels - None (Because of vigilantes)

Watch Presence - Some


Cheap and coaching inns.

Passamor Courmat, famous savant. Watches traffic, can describe and enumerate a day in detail.

Norigal's Gambling Den

Norigal Droit, the Dragon of Rootwater. Believes himself to run a chivalrous organisation. Poor himself and yet uninterested in reward for its own sake. He’s a supreme combatant and effortlessly charming and successful (especially with women). Above all, in his own way, he actually does try to be honourable and dutiful. Nevertheless he makes his living mostly by gambling and is reckless both in love and in combat.

Turtlemire, the Wild Knight District

Size - Large, 45 min to cross

Density - Normal (3000 approximately)

Wealth - Poor

Crime Levels - Pervasive (Wild Knights)

Watch Presence - Some


Cheap inns.

Jolore the Ogress - Hangs around the cheap inns. Aggressive, redundant, and a mercenary at heart, Jolore runs a protection racket against other Wild Ones.

Children of the Serpent - A woman, Jasmine, laid herself with the Black Anaconda a few years ago. Now she has a pair of children: Bloyaneon and Angel's Parasol. Jasmine lives alone and is always the talk of the neighbourhood for "not raising her children right" and other criticisms

Teawater, the Other Working Class District

Size - Large, 45 min to cross

Density - Normal (3000 approximately)

Wealth - Poor

Crime Levels - Common (Wild Knights)

Watch Presence - Average


Dark Eglianor, street-seller of dubious potions, back-alley medicine, and curious pornography.

Sun School Church & School


Doll Town, the Impure District

Size - Huge, 60 min to cross

Density - Normal (6000 approximately)

Wealth - Destitute

Crime Levels - Fleeting (Pickpockets, mostly)

Watch Presence - Some


Mallord's - The surgeon.

Royal Park

Size - Huge, 60 min to cross

Density - Deserted, no one lives here

A royal park, owned by the Grandee. 10 sp fee to enter. Gates locked at night. Small menagerie. Tasteful.


Sortofer Lait, fresh milk-seller. Natural affinity for animals, healthy outdoor living. Rolling voice.

Grandee's Plinth, worn statue of [Never chose a name for this guy]. Any peasant touching it can claim the Grandee’s protection from the law.

Upper Field, Deserted District

Size - Tiny, 10 min to cross

Density - Deserted

Why? It was used as a plague ward.