Lonely Star

Sunrise Generation - Hex Key

Do note that the paths aren't entirely correct, mostly because I drew it on the map and then got too bored to actually write it all down. Below is the hexmap, the path map, and the subdivisions I was using for hexes (which I tried to distance myself from eventually but some are still marked).




Path to 0102

North - The Mirage - Far on the horizon, amidst the shimmering haze of the heat of the day, you can barely make out the shining gilt onion domes of a magnificent ivory colored palace. Trying to reach it will only waste several hours and resources.

3 - Wasp Trunk - Swallowing a Large Tree Trunk, an enormous Wasp Hive sits abandoned.

4 - The Court of King Smilodon2 - The Center of the range, just a bunch of piles of thickets that smell very strongly of tiger. No treasure to be found.

Northeast - The Castle of the Termites - A huge tower of dirt and clay raises from the savannah: the tower of Queen Termite and her court composed of her consorts, King Scorpion and King Beetle. Their presence represents the necessary decay for the savannah.

East - Red Troop's Treasure - Hidden inside a little grove of trees is a hatch that leads down to a tunnel. Inside is where the Red Troop hides the lion's share of their treasure.

Southwest - Red Troop Camp - The camp of the Red Troop, a group of bandits, most of them baboons, who served as footmen during the war opposing the Lord Regent. Currently they live out in the savannah, bold enough to kill anyone who dare cross them.

On the Path - The Evil Doctor's Dry Body - A Dry Body lays around the side of the path, next to tall grass, looking like the desiccated corpse of a knight. Anyone who lingers here will sense the horrible smell. It's waiting for people to come close so it can stab them.

10 - Sky Burial - Raspy hisses and squawks give away a wake of Vultures patiently hopping around a shrouded body. Investigating the corpse one may discover, the religious trappings of Pilgrims, one of their number who died bravely defending them from Scorpions from the Castle of Termites.


Path to 0202

1 - River.

2 - Obvious Landmark no treasure

3 - River.

4 - Obvious Site

5 - Obvious Site

6 - River.

7 - Obvious Landmark no treasure

9 - River. Obvious Landmark with treasure

10 - River. Hidden Lair, no treasure. Devil Crab Cave - A while ago a man was killed and thrown in the river in a nearby farm. He floated down and was found by the crabs. With his dying breath he made a deal to give anything he had - even his soul - for a chance at revenge.

11 - River.

12 - Hidden Landmark with treasure


No paths to or from.

Center - Ancient Shipwreck - A shipwrecked Albinnic flying barque. It was turned upside down and made into a little memorial. An iron plaque written in Classical Albinnic lies in the middle, suspended from the barque. The only words still readable are "immortality" and "came / travelled".

  1. A pair of terror birds are eating a paca under the boats.

  2. Members of the astronomers' club out camping and on a field visit, discuss in Albinnic.

3 or 4. No one.

Northeast - The Nest Plain - Terror Birds, 3 pairs who are very territorial and fight with one another. 3 Nests lay on a plain.

East - The Cottage - A deceptive cottage in the middle of the savannah inhabited by a nomad exile posing as a poor woman abandoned in the wilds due to an unfair and envious tribe.

Southwest - The Noisy Mount - There's a mount here that is extremely noisy with flapping and chattering of parrots and other birds. Those who climb it will see that it's hollow and cup-shaped, with thousands of parrots living in holes on the walls. On the centre is a small lake, with an island at the centre where Nissefore, King Macaw lives.

South - (Hidden) Cannabis Scented Patch - The centre of Maned Wolf's territory, 2 in 6 chances of it being here between sundown and midnight.


Path to 0302 and off-screen. Going to southeast is blocked by quickgrass.

Northwest - The Stoic Stones - For as far as the eye can see, giant stones stand like soldiers at attention, arrayed in formation.

North-Northwest - The Horned Titan - Jutting up from the flat surface is a massive stone formation, closely resembling a head with horns with some scraggly grass around it.

Northeast - Hidden Special / Site - Barrow of the Bone Blaggards

Center - Road. Orange Postal Town - A tiny row of buildings, including offices for agents who handle domestic trade, a mansion for government officials, aristocrats, and knights; a couple inns of varying quality; a teahouse as a rest stop; and a general shop that sells implements for traveller. The Signboard is currently empty.

Southeast - Road. Quickgrass - The path here is blocked by a field of very tall grass. It can be traversed but it requires an Athletics roll. Whoever falls in must save Willpower to avoid thrashing around.



Path to 0101, 0202 and 0203

4 - Hidden Special / Site - Where the Wheat Grows Tall

6 - Hidden Lair, no treasure - Werewolf house

7 - Obvious Lair with treasure - The encampment for many officials of the Firefly Battlefield. Their ghosts and skeletons still linger here.

8 - Obvious Lair no treasure - A recent haunted house from someone who died in the last 5 years or so.

9 - Obvious Hazard with treasure - The macaws in a grove here are maneaters and the locals avoid them.

11 - Obvious Landmark with resource - A battlefield of the Warring Period, and place of a great battle that took place between the forces of the Grandee and the enemies of the Lord Regent.

0202 - The City of Sorelois.


Path to 0202 and 0302

North - The Bloody Chapel - A Dry Body has killed the local Sun School priest and taken the "role" of local shepherd to the community. It abuses its authority to inflict pain and evil upon the community. Its current employment is in administering the wrong treatments and inflicting diseases, mutilating people unnecessarily, etc. Whenever he kills someone, he brings them to a small shed behind the temple to build a little mockup of a scene.

West - Temple of the Blood Moth

Southeast - Menhir - A prehistorical menhir, taller than 2 men with strange carvings lay undisturbed. It may be used to reach Mourama.

South - (Hidden) Some hillocks are actually mounds from the Arrival Period.


Path to 0202, 0301, and 0402

North - (Hidden) The fields here, like in 0301-12, are made over mounds from the Arrival Period.

Center - Broggle Hill - Topped with a high ruined pagoda from the Arrival Period providing broad views of the region, the hill is frequented by poets, bandits, and stargazers. A reliable if sometimes dangerous source of rumors and information.

Who's here now?

  1. A gang of child runaways, the Dire Lambkins, led by Savine (scrawny, sharp, rogue), have posted up at the tower door and are charging an outrageous entrance fee. Under her capable direction, the Lambkins commit minor acts of banditry and espionage. Available for hire. Wants: A patron—or else.

  2. Members of the Astronomists Club swap stories, including one about a falling star that streaked across the sky and landed... somewhere.

  3. A band of 1d6 brigands (musical, capricious, soldier) survey the road. Fortimus is among them. Tries to steer people in the direction of the Wild Ogres.

  1. Roll an encounter—this is visible in the distance.

Northeast - Ronin Graveyard - An old battlefield from the Early Warring Period with rusted and decomposed armour and weapons. It has no undead, but there's a bunch of unmarked graves. It is tradition for errant knights to maintain it and meditate on their position when they get here.

  1. Fortimus, telling 2d6 errant knights a tale about the Early Warring Period.

  2. Dragon, looking for a duel.

  3. Monkey, meditating on life.

4 to 6. No one but the wind.

West - Sun Inn - A cute little cottage amid orange orchards stands at a crossroads where a bunch of farms meet.


It's a tropical Dry Forest that gets some moisture due to wind patterns, but is overall dry. It has tall trees and many evergreen species but quite a few are semi-deciduous so there's almost always leaves over the ground. Lots of lianas (woody vines) and herbaceous epiphytes too.

A lot of animals from the savannah inhabit both places., like monkeys, parrots, and large cats, and a few migrate seasonally to wetter areas; likely going south or northwest to the swamps.


No path to or from.

1 - Pond of the Ghost - A vassal of the Grandee is known for his evil appetites. He tortures people, kills them, then dumps them in a nearby pond. These spirits congregate and can be seen as fireflies over it.

6 - Obvious Landmark no treasure - Heian Period - An abandoned and burnt summer house from the Imperial Period, said to be haunted.

7 - Hidden Lair with Treasure - Curupira Land - No one can hunt here and many avoid this region because it's Curupira Country.

11 - Obvious Lair with Treasure - Queen Ground Sloth Nest - A net of strange tunnels going deeper into the earth. Comes out in Mourama.


Path to 0204 and off-screen.

4 - Obvious Landmark, no treasure - Dwarfing all other trees, a colossal Cariniana (Jequitibá) watches over the land.

6 - Obvious Lair, with treasure - Adventurer Hideout. There's 3 of them

8 - Obvious Landmark, no treasure - A cave that leads into the Boitatá lair, thought to be his actual cave but isn't.

11 - Hidden Landmark, no treasure - The Dolmen - Dolmen with Barrow. Probably use Barrow of the Elf King but expand it and put an entrance to Mourama in there.

12 - Obvious Landmark, no treasure - Could swear this Dolmen / Boulder was carved to be a Massive Nose for some Titanic Statue


Path to 0202 and 0102

1 - Obvious Special with resource - The Swordsmith - An old man lives alone in a cottage called Juris. He makes Star Blades - swords and knives with crystals embedded to resemble stars, of absolute superior quality. Related to the firefly battlefield

4 - Obvious landmark - Zen Garden - A strange, mazelike zen garden that somehow was never taken by overgrowth, magically. It dates back to the Heian Period.

5 - Hidden Dungeon from the Early Warring States Period

10 - Obvious Landmark, no treasure - A small barrow in a clearing with rocks on top. It only takes a slight Breeze to produce a strange Keening sound in them.


Path to 0203.

3 - Obvious Lair with resource - Mapinguari Sleeping Grounds

5 - Obvious Landmark, no resource - A huge, straight riverbank that was very obviously carved by a huge serpent passing through; has the markings of her scales in it.

7 - Obvious Special - Caverns of Thracia

8 - Hidden Lair with treasure - Curupira Land - No one can hunt here and many avoid this region because it's Curupira Country.

10 - Obvious Lair with resource - King Jaguar lair



No path.

North - River. Regarding Bloyaneon - Nearby to the river there's a lean-to. In it one can find frequently teen-sized ripped clothes and recent footprints leading into and out of the river congealed in the mud.

Center - River. Obvious Landmark - Extremely old wooden bridge crossing the river.

South - River. (Hidden) The Black Anaconda's Lair - A black anaconda, thought to be the god of the river, some say it's 20 meters, but sizes up to 45 meters long have been reported. If there is overfishing in the region, it starts to turn boats. Recently it has been turning many more than usual, but it's not its doing, but rather its son's - who lives upriver in Barron 000.004.


No path.

North - The Immortal Toad - On the side of the river there's what seems to be a statue of a toad the size of a person, with its arms folded in meditation. It's actually the Immortal Toad that has been meditating for a few years.

Northeast - The Ruined Abbey - They've kidnapped monks and have been forcefeeding them shit.

Center - Temple of 1001 Statues - A shrine deep in the jungle marked only by a little torii gate. Inside, there's a hall with 1001 statues of St. Arphas, Queen of the Sun Land. It's very ruined now - the sect that used to maintain it was the one from the castle that was burned down by the Demon Fool a couple decades ago - but mendicant monks still try and keep the place tidy, and pilgrims still come here if they're around.

  1. Brother Black Orchid is here cleaning the place and meditating on the meaning of his quest.

  2. Abbess Chastity with 2d6 sympathizers, praying for peace.

  3. Roll a Jungle Encounter.

  4. Jasmine, alone, praying for her children.

5 - 8. No one.

South - River. Fat Fish - The village from Wet Grandpa, refer to it.


No path.

West - The Gold Mine - These are Wild Knights that went even roguer. They paint themselves red, wear flamboyant clothing, basically layering shit they get their hands on on top of it. They're a squad of wild knights that found out about the gold and decided to keep it all for themselves.

They love smoking and only respect proven strength. Dumb as rocks. Their leader is Aldon, a rough-and-tumble type who pretends to be way dumber than he is to rule these ogres. Truth is, he can be quite reasonable, if mercurial, but he's also very macchiavellic.

Outside - The overseer, Claribran Levague and some of the workers have established a little village-like thing before arriving at the actual mine. They've been reporting a strike because they think they can probably take the bandits on and get their wealth for themselves.

They haven't yet because they want to evacuate the mine first by starting a fire or something, but they haven't managed yet. Number - 18 total, 4 ogres, 2 having second thoughts.

Deep in the mine is an entrance to Mourama.

Random Encounters (1 in 6 every turn)

  1. Patrol of Pilirant and 3 bandits.
  2. Women hauling ore or salt up to the surface.
  3. Screams echoing from 10, followed by boorish laughter.


  1. Invasion, Water Minimal - Trap, no treasure - A dry gallery booby trapped by the bandits against people coming out.
  1. Invasion, Water Mild - Monster, no treasure - A drainage gallery with bandits supervising the forced workers removing water with buckets.
  1. Workmen, Water Mild - Empty, no treasure - A wet-ish gallery. Salt is exposed but not being mined by anyone.

  2. Invasion, Water Severe - Empty, no treasure - A once productive salt-mining gallery turned underground river by the bandits. Wooden pathways above the water.

  3. Workmen, Water Severe - Unique - An underground lake. Two conspirators of the bandits know that there's a blocked off tunnel that leads to the mineshaft at the bottom of this manmade lake. If they can remove the blockage, the water will flood both rooms 7 and 10 and force the bandits out of the mine.

  1. Workmen, Water Minimal - Trap, no treasure - A precariously built wooden beam is about to collapse. If people aren't careful here, they may get crushed. This is also the sleeping quarters of the miners, and there's a tiny shrine to the Mother-of-Gold, a fireball that supposedly appears to show miners the location of gold veins.

  2. Workmen, Heat Severe - Monster, no treasure - The last salt gallery actually being mined under the supervision of some of the bandits.

  1. Invasion, Heat Minimal - Trap, treasure - The top of the room is breezy and with a lot of access to the airshaft. This is where the bandits made their sleeping quarters. The "trap" is that some of them are sleeping here and may wake up.
  1. Invasion, Heat Mild - Monster, treasure - The middle of the gallery and treasury of the bandits. It's from here that they supervise the workers down at 9 and control access to the tunnel to the mineshaft.
  1. Invasion, Heat Severe - Unique - The ground floor, the peak of gold digging. Women haul the gold, men work the face of the rock. There are hot spring wells here where some do gold panning, but the heat is unbearable over extended periods.

Center - Slime infested inn by the riverside - Used to be an inn here, but the 2 owners, their kid, their dog, and 2 of the guests who were staying at the time were murdered by the pirates by being thrown in the water. There's 6 of them.


No path.

North - Obvious Lair with resource - Pirate Hideout, use Sinister Secret of Peacock Point. There's 20 of them and they have a galley

Northwest - River. Obvious Site - Pilgrim inn on the side of the river.

3 - River. Hidden Landmark with resource - Pirate boathouse hidden on the banks.

Center - Ancient Waterfall - A sacred waterfall with a little weathered shrine to God in a style from the Aristocratic Period, about 700 years ago.


A cloud forest.


No path.

1 - Hidden Lair with treasure, The Cave of the Boitatá - Refer to monster description.

2 - Hidden Lair with treasure, The Daitengu - At the top of the mountain lives a Devil Parrot named Tampenolaire that spends his life in quiet contemplation and meditation, and through it has surpassed his wild condition. He looks man-height and dresses like a monk. He's also the greatest swordsman ever to live and might teach someone who proves themselves. Getting to him is a whole open-air dungeon in itself though.

3 - Obvious Hazard no treasure

6 - Obvious Lair with treasure, King Puma. Lives alone.

7 - Obvious Site

9 - Obvious Hazard with treasure

10 - Obvious Hazard no treasure


No path.

1 - Hidden Landmark with resource

3 - Obvious Lair with treasure, King Bat - 17 individuals in lair

4 - Obvious Landmark with resource

9 - Hidden Lair with resource, The Cuca - Inside an old grotto there lies an entrance to Mourama. This one leads to the den of the Cuca, a mighty Moura that was cursed to turn into a powerful dragon every new moon (which is full moon in Mouro Country). They say she comes out every now and then to eat the children who misbehave.

11 - Obvious Lair with treasure, King Tree Sloth


No path.

Northeast - Obvious Lair with resource, Rustic

West - Court of the Ogre King - A castle at the top of a mountain where the Ogre King sits.

East - Hidden Lair with treasure, Elfs

10 - Hidden Landmark no treasure

South - Obvious Lair no treasure, Ogres


No path.

Center - Woodpecker Peak - From this angle, the Thin Peak from 03.05 looks like a woodpecker.

North - On the river - Jedlin's Island from Wet Grandpa and, behind it in the waters, the Naiad's Treasure.

  1. "Mourama" and "Mouros" are described further in the Monster post.

  2. "King Animals" aren't described anywhere. I'll leave you to decide what exactly that means.

  3. By "King" and "Aristocrat" imagine the Japanese Emperor and the Kuge class in the Edo Period. Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.

  4. This is relevant in lore because the King isn't the sole ruler for hundreds of years now. Yeah, it's all the history of Japan deep down.