Lonely Star

"Mommy is acting weird", a.k.a. the worst play report ever


Have you ever wanted to run a game entirely out of spite? Has a player ever showed up to your Vampire the Masquerade game with a fully statted level 3 Elf Fighter and you felt the call of the abyss to throw the fucking elf in there just to kill it in a petty attempt to take revenge at this player? Has your online LFG player ever ghosted you for a week after making 3 questions about the game then showed up on the day talking about playing?

This one is for you.

This happened in early to mid 2020, we were all stuck at home because of the Plague, and I decided to run a Unknown Armies game via live text on RRPG.

Most of the players either made normal characters or just started the character and then never showed up again.

This one guy, though, was different. This guy made a character that had nothing to do with the premise of the game (adult modern magic, he made a teenage supergenius without even asking me about it), when asked to change it he ghosted me and then showed up later asking when we were going to play.

More accurately he badgered me to play. And so the devil on my shoulder went "fuck it, kill this man with hammers."

So at 4 PM (16:05) I called up all of my friends up to the chatroom, made a private one without him, and proceeded to run the game while mocking this dude in the other tab without him knowing about it.

It was just veiled bullying, really, but he didn't seem to notice it and we had a lot of fun, so while it's not something I'm very proud of, it's not something I regret either. He was probably some 13 or 14 year old with absolutely fried reading comprehension that didn't bother to even read what we said, so he's probably a full person these days. I hope.

I've tried to keep the spelling mistakes and weird spacing intact. The Ā«!Ā» and the NPCs are me DMing. Not my finest work, but I won't apologize for it. Take it in the spirit that is intended: an extremely shitty teenage horror B-movie from the early 80's with a narrator and some Jason Patric looking Spielberg boy as the protagonist.

I hope this is enjoyable. I certainly had a lot of fun bullying this kid.


[16:11] Ā«!Ā» It was a very pleasant morning at the Springfield residence. Birds were singing on a branch of the already leafless and snow-covered tree outside, snow was piling up on the windowsill, the air was cold and still as if the whole world was frozen. It would have been an even more pleasant morning if Jack's father, David, hadn't come in with the vacuum cleaner, a pair of shorts that were too short for someone his age and kind of pathetic, and headphones, singing the Bee Gees loudly. Jack was startled awake.

[16:12] Ā«!Ā» "Time to get up!" cried David, more cheerful than anyone should be before noon. "Your mother could be home at any time and this house has to be spotless!"

[16:14] Ā«!Ā» It was true. Jack remembered that his mother had been away for the last few days on a trip to New York to have cosmetic surgery on her face - something about a nose job or something, Jack couldn't remember exactly - and was due back on the 1st. David took the opportunity to spend New Year's Eve drinking and chatting with Jack's grandparents on Skype. Naturally, there were Budweiser cans all over the house.

[16:14] Ā«!Ā» Jack stirred and saw that it was 9:17 on the clock, the cold and the noise were preventing him from going back to sleep.

[16:17] [Jack] Jack starts to wake up half-asleep and then gets up "uhhh..., well ok then, thank goodness I have some cleaning gadgets that have Arduinos, it can help a lot with the cleaning" Jaco starts looking for the cleaning tools with Arduinos protected from water to start cleaning

[16:21] Ā«!Ā» Jack spreads his little helpers around the house and they start sucking up the dirt from the floor. David was with a big black bag putting the cans in, practically incommunicado.

[16:25] [Jack] Jack starts to get the other cleaning gadgets, he uses a contraption that moves awkwardly along the wall to clean the wall and ceiling, leaving the

[16:25] [Jack] (oops)

[16:25] [Jack] (sorry)

[16:25] [Jack] (i pressed enter by mistake)

[16:28] [Jack] Jack starts to get the other cleaning gadgets, he uses a contraption that moves a certain way along the wall to clean the wall and ceiling, leaving the house in perfect condition, in addition to using some machines to clean the furniture, after having cleaned the entire inside of the house, he starts to clean the entire outside until the house is 100% clean and tidy

[16:32] Ā«!Ā» It was just after 1pm when Jack finished cleaning up. David had made lunch, which he called a "surprise casserole" but it was more of an excuse to disguise the fact that he had just thrown a little of everything he had in the kitchen into the pan, some chopped steaks in between, and created a messier mess. or less edible. He had grabbed a plate for himself and was on the couch in front of the television, watching the news.

[16:39] [Jack] Jack after finishing everything goes to lunch, he serves his plate and sits down, after he eats the first spoonful, he found the flavor so-so, he didn't think it was good, but he didn't think it was bad either, he thought it was edible 'My was never good at making food, but why complain' and then he starts to eat, after eating everything he goes to his room and then turns on the computer to play League of Legends, but before he calls Amy he types "Hi Amy, let's play ranked? I'm dying to play Akali" on discord in contact with Amy

[16:42] ** NPC: [Amy] It took her a few minutes to respond, but she was online. "hi, uh... actually I'm not really in the mood. I'm watching a movie" The words went up in the chat.

[16:44] [Jack] Jack types "ok, when you're available call me, friend", after this Jack starts to enter a ranked queue in search of a ranked game, selecting the 'mid' and 'top' routes

[16:47] [Jack] (I'll redo the action then)

[16:49] [Jack] Jack types "ok, when you're available call me friend", after this Jack starts to play ranked in League of Legends, playing for several hours until he tries to get diamond, but he fails to get diamond, staying at Gold 2, after this he stops playing league of legends

[16:52] Ā«!Ā» The rest of the day went by. Jack had barely noticed that his father had stayed out right after lunch. Due to winter, it was already getting dark outside. Amy had been away on Discord for most of the day too. Jack heard David's car pulling into the garage, and heard his voice talking to someone who didn't answer him.

[16:53] [Jack] Jack goez after his father to see whatā€™s going on and worried asks "Is there a problem, dad?"

[16:56] ** NPC: [David] "None, on the contrary, come say hi to your mother." Jack arrived in the room and saw David, his father, beside Lauren, his mother. She had the better part of her head bandaged with transparent gauze, and a very large bandage from her nose to the top of her forehead.


[16:56] ** NPC: [Lauren] "Hello Jack. Did you miss me?" She said almost as a threat.

[16:59] [Jack] Jack doesn't mind the way his mother spoke to him, after all he didn't quite understand the expression almost as a threat, he says "yes, I missed you, because you cook better than my dad, mom" Jack was a bit cold, but he missed the food his mother made

[16:59] Jack rollled 1d100 = 93 {[93]}

[17:01] ** NPC: [Lauren] "Oh so I'm just a cook? Good to know." She kissed David and went to unpack her bags in their bedroom. David sat down to watch TV.

[17:05] [Jack] Jack helps his mother unpack her bags ā€˜my mom is acting weird, something must have happened to her' Jack is a bit worried about his mother because she seemed to be acting strange "Mom... ahmm... ugh... forget it" 'I'll look into this later, my mom is acting kind of weird'

[17:06] ** NPC: [Lauren] "What is it?" She raised an eyebrow at the teenager standing in her doorway.

[17:07] [Jack] "you've been acting kind of weird lately, are you okay?" Jack doesn't quite understand what his mother is expressing, he just geets more worried about her, because she didn't usually act like this

[17:09] ** NPC: [Lauren] "Weird in what way?" She piled the clothes on the bed, didn't seem to be paying much attention to Jack.

[17:12] [Jack] "I don't know how to explain it very well, it's just that ur making some weird expressions, you've never been like this before" Jack said as he helped his mother

[17:12] ** NPC: [Lauren] She froze when Jack walked into the room. ā€œGet out of the room now.ā€ And stared at him.

[17:14] [Jack] 'My mother is acting weird, I'm sure, these espressions, she's hiding something, well I'll see what using my drone' "Okay then" Jack goes to the room and starts using the drone to eavesdrop on his mother's conversation, because he was feeling strange about his mother

[17:19] Ā«!Ā» She went back to arranging her clothes as if nothing had happened when Jack stepped out of the room. He fixed the drone and tried to move it without attracting attention, but Lauren looked in the direction before he could hide with the machine, grabbed it, and went to Jack's room with it in hand.

[17:19] ** NPC: [Lauren] "What is the meaning of this?" She seemed irritated, and carelessly placed the drone on the table, breaking off a small part.

[17:21] [Jack] "You were acting weird, I needed to know what was going on with u, I was going to help u and u were being hard on me, this isn't you, mom, what happened to you?" Jack was more worried than scared of his mother, he just wanted to know what was going on with her.

[17:23] ** NPC: [Lauren] She stared at Jack for a few seconds. "What are you talking about?" She said, indignant. David appeared at the door just then.

[17:23] ** NPC: [David] "What's going on here?"

[17:24] ** NPC: [Lauren] "He's making stuff up, check it out." She said getting out of Jack's way and crossing her arms.

[17:24] [Jack] "Dad, mommyā€™s been acting kind of weird lately, I needed to know what's going on with her, haven't u noticed she's been acting weird lately?"

[17:25] ** NPC: [Lauren] Lauren looked at David with an "I told you so" face. David didn't seem to know what to think.

[17:27] ** NPC: [David] He sighed and leaned in front of Jack with a hand on his shoulder and a solemn look on his face. "Son... is everything okay? Your mom's only been away for a few days. I'm getting worried."

[17:27] ** NPC: [David] Behind him, Lauren stared at Jack, arms uncrossed, with a completely neutral expression.

[17:31] [Jack] "I'm kind of finding mommy kind of weird, she wasn't like this, like, she didn't make these weird espressions, like, I went to help her and she kind of acted weird, like, I went to help her and she kind of acted hard on me, not to mention her weird expressions, so I went to investigate her with my drone, but she acted weird, that's why I'm worried about her."

[17:33] ** NPC: [David] David looked at Lauren with a worried face. When he looked over, she had her arms crossed again, smiling at him. David looked back at Jack. "I see... Dinner's almost ready, okay? Hang in there." He got up and left the room with Lauren.

[17:34] Jack rolled 1d100 = 67 {[67]}

[17:34] Ā«!Ā» Jack heard the two mumbling among themselves, David's tone seemed worried, but he couldn't make out what they were talking about.

[17:35] [Jack] Jack notices them mumbling and grabs a gadget to spy on the two without being noticed.

[17:39] [Jack] Jack upon hearing the two mumbling can't hear it, so he goes to the computer to continue his game project called "PsiƓnic Pixie" made for players who have fingers, or better yet, know how to press several buttons at the same time and who know how to play.

[17:42] ** NPC: [David] Jack hadn't even had much time to work on the game when David knocked twice on the door and opened it with a plate of food. ā€œI fixed you a plate.ā€ He said a little more cheerfully than a few minutes ago, and left the plate on Jack's desk.

[17:46] [Jack] Jack stops with his project and then goes to dinner, eating the plate he eats, after he has eaten everything he takes the plate to the kitchen and washes the plate

[17:50] Ā«!Ā» Dinner was largely silent except for the television. When Jack returned to the computer, there was a short message from Wayde. His icon, like most of everything he did and was interested in, was a firearm.

[17:51] ** NPC: [Wayde] "what's up, are you okay?" Wayde wasn't the type to ask how people were doing, it seemed like he was referring to something specific, but Jack couldn't tell what it was.

[17:53] [Jack] "You're not the type to ask, but well, other than the fact that I'm worried about my mom because she's been acting weird lately everything's fine, I'm working on my platform game project, called "PsiƓnic pixie"" Jack texted to Wayde as he continued with his project

[17:55] ** NPC: [Wayde] "so... are you okay about the Amy thing?"

[17:56] [Jack] Jack getsconfused by what wayde writes, so he says "I didn't understand your question, but speaking of her, I think I'll call her to help me with my project", then Jack creates a group call and writes "hi Amy"

[17:58] Ā«!Ā» Amy didn't respond. Wayde sent Jack a DM again.

[17:58] ** NPC: [Wayde] "wait, you didn't hear? she posted it on facebook today"

[17:59] [Jack] "no, i was playing LoL, but i'll check it out" Jack gets curious and goes on facebook to see what she recently posted on facebook

[18:02] Ā«!Ā» Jack had to scroll down a bit to find it. It was her status update, with 4 photos with a guy named Thomas. Jack only knew who he was by appearance, because he had never spoken to the guy directly. The second photo showed them kissing and there was a song lyric, saying something about starting the year better than 2018.

[18:03] ** NPC: [Wayde] "She's hooking up with Tom, she's finally ditched the singles hahaha" Wayde's text box in the corner of the screen said.

[18:06] [Jack] "eh, well, what can you do, I just hope she doesn't leave her best friend, which is me" Jack was a little jealous, but he didn't care much "I think I understand why she hasn't been around much lately, as long as that guy isn't scum itā€™s fine by me"

[18:06] ** NPC: [Wayde] "hahahaha scum'?"

[18:07] [Jack] "don't get me wrong, it's just that I don't want anything bad to happen to her"

[18:08] ** NPC: [Wayde] "I get it, yeah, idk, from what I talked to him he seems like a nice guy"

[18:09] ** NPC: [Wayde] "it seems like he's like a manager of some place or something too"

[18:09] ** NPC: [Wayde] "but we'll talk later, I need to fix the closet here at home (which should have been fixed a week ago lol) bye"

[18:14] [Jack] "bye" Jack says goodbye to Wayde while continuing with his game project, "psiƓnic pixie", he had already done the game mechanics a long tyme ago, skill-tree, mechanics and buttons and all the character part already done, now he was working with the backgrounds and making enemies with an artificial intelligence much smarter than other games, spending hours on the computer building its project

[18:15] Jack rolled 1d100 = 42 {[42]}

[18:18] Ā«!Ā» Jack spent a few more hours working on the game. It wasn't ready yet, but it wouldn't take so long. At that rate he should be able to finish it by the end of the week, probably. When it was time, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his last ablutions of the day.

[18:20] Ā«!Ā» As soon as he turned on the light, however, Jack looked into the mirror and saw his mother... or something that looked like her, staring back at him. She had no head wraps, and the light hit her eyes in such a way that they hid them, like two empty craters in her face, but somehow he had the impression that they were aimed directly at him. She was completely naked and covered in blood, which was clearly not hers because she had no wounds. In shock, Jack looked back and there was nothing there, nor in the mirror anymore.

[18:22] Jack rolled 1d100 = 29 {[29]}

[18:24] Ā«!Ā» Jack was shaken for a second, but he held his breath and managed to stop himself from doing anything drastic.

[18:26] [Jack] 'what the hell was that?, I hope daddy is okay' Jack grabs some parts to replace his broken drone and starts using it to spy on the bedroom room once again

[18:27] Jack rolled 1d100 = 12 {[12]}

[18:32] [Jack] 'what the hell was that?, I hope my daddy is okay' Jack walks around the house using his spy gear to find out everything about what is happening in the house, spying mainly on his own mother's room

[18:32] Jack rolled 1d100 = 2 {[2]}

[18:35] Ā«!Ā» Jack crept to the bedroom door and looked inside through the crack, without making a sound. The television was on, which helped to disguise the noise of his movements. David was sleeping peacefully in bed, even snoring. Lauren, on the other hand, was sitting on the bed in her pajamas, staring motionlessly at the bedroom window on the right. Sometimes the light from the television would hit her face the same way Jack had seen in the mirror.

[18:38] [Jack] Jack watches Lauren closely while he was hidden, keeping an eye out for any detail that might happen, watching his mother Lauren

[18:43] [Jack] Jack realizing that there was nothing special simply went back to his room, while he planted some security devices in case someone invaded his room and then he slept in his bed

[18:46] Ā«!Ā» Jack falls asleep little by little. His dreams are haunted by images of his mother, but he doesn't correctly remember what happened by the time he wakes up in the morning. The clock said it was 10:30 AM, and the house seemed silent when he woke up.

[18:51] [Jack] 'apparently nothing is wrong so far, but I need to be alert, because things are not the same anymore' being alert Jack disarms his security devices, he gets up and brushes his teeth, after this he turns on the computer and continues with his game project, while he talks to Amy and Wayde at the same time (to Amy:) "Hi Amy, how are you?" (to Wayde:) "Hi Wayde, how are you?"

[18:53] ** NPC: [Amy] It took her a few minutes to answer. "hiii, I'm ok"

[18:53] ** NPC: [Wayde] Wayde answered almost immediately. "heyā€

[18:55] [Jack] "Amy, I heard ur dating someone, is there any way I can meet your boyfriend?maybe we can be friends" (to Wayde:) "Wayde, is there any way u can come over to my house to fix my drone? my mom kind of broke it when I went to spy on her to see what was going on with herā€

[18:58] ** NPC: [Amy] "uh" She wouldn't type for a few seconds, as if hesitating. "I think so, but u two don't really have anything to do with each other..."

[18:58] ** NPC: [Wayde] "were u spying on your mom???"

[19:00] [Jack] (To Wayde:) "Itā€™s because I was worried about my mom, she was acting weird recently, and she seemed to be hiding something from me, so I thought I'd spy on her." (To Amy:) "Why not? If he's your friend, he's also my friend."

[19:02] ** NPC: [Wayde] "So you went there and spied on her with a drone, dude??? That's SERIOUSLY weird."

[19:02] ** NPC: [Amy] She hesitated for a few minutes again. "maybe... tomorrow we can go to a cafe, I think."

[19:08] [Jack] (To Amy:) "Ok, let's go to a cafe tomorrow then, so I can get to know your boyfriend better, so I'll see you tomorrow Amy (smiling emoji)" (To Wayde:) "Yeah, I did it, why? Is there a problem?"

[19:11] ** NPC: [Wayde] "I don't know if I should explain why watching your parents with a camera sounds wrong, dude, that's really weird"

[19:13] [Jack] "It's weird, but when something is weird, it's better to use everything to find out the truth Wayde, no matter what it takes" Jack said as he continued with the project

[19:14] ** NPC: [Wayde] "dude, read what you just said, lol, seriously, I'm not going to fix your stuff so you can spy on your parents"

[19:15] [Jack] "It's not just to spy on others, it's just to find out the truth that I use the drone, that's why I use the drone, please fix my drone"

[19:16] ** NPC: [Wayde] "It's to spy on others, man, you can say it's 'finding out the truth' or something like that, but you're watching your parents' room with a camera, that's really weird dude"

[19:16] ** NPC: [Wayde] "how do I know ur not making a porn movie of them or something weird like that, I mean"

[19:18] [Jack] ā€œdon't get me wrong, I'm more into making porn movies, I'm more into making games or playing games"

[19:18] ** NPC: [Wayde] "yeah, ok"

[19:21] [Jack] "Well, it looks like u don't trust me, well, I can't do anything about that, well, it looks like I'll have to ask my dad for money to take my drone to be fixed, after all, you don't trust me, and you're even less likely to want to fix my drone, because you got the wrong idea about me"

[19:22] Jack rolled 1d100 = 2 {[2]}

[19:23] ** NPC: [Wayde] He hesitated for a few seconds.

[19:23] ** NPC: [Wayde] "alright, Iā€™ll come fix your drone after lunch"

[19:24] ** NPC: [Wayde] "send me a picture so I can see the damage""

[19:26] [Jack] Jack stops his project and gets up from the computer, then he takes a picture and sends it to Wayde on discord "This is the damage that happened to my drone" after that he sits back down at the PC and continues his project

[19:27] ** NPC: [Wayde] "alright Iā€™ll be there around 2 PM"

[19:28] [Jack] "ok, see you around 2 PM, Wayde" Jack continues with his project until he is called for lunch

[19:29] Ā«!Ā» Jack kept working on the game, and worked, and worked... but he wasn't called for lunch. He looked at the clock, it was already 1:10pm and his parents usually called him well before that.

[19:30] [Jack] 'that's weird, my parents usedto call me for lunch, not to mention it was really quiet in the morning, what could have happened? Well, it looks like they must have gone out somewhere' Jack stops his project and gets up, then goes to the kitchen

[19:32] Ā«!Ā» Jack opens the door and walks out of the bedroom hallway. There was no one in the living room, and the lights were off. The door to the kitchen was slightly open.

[19:33] [Jack] 'My parents didn't usually leave the front door open, something happened' I walk out of the house, keeping an eye out for any detail

[19:36] [Jack] '...' Jack cautiously approaches the kitchen and opens the door carefully, observing without being noticed

[19:36] Jack rolled 1d100 = 10 {[10]}

[19:39] Ā«!Ā» Jack peeked inside, at first it seemed empty, but before he put his head in, he noticed through the crack between the door and the frame, his mother, Lauren, standing in front of the fridge with her arms at her sides, as if she was concentrating on something.

[19:41] [Jack] Jack continues to watch his own mother, seeing everything she is doing

[19:46] [Jack] ' she must be making lunch, but why would she take so long, well, I'm going back to the computer' Jack installs his security equipment in his room again and continues his project until he is called for lunch

[19:47] Jack rolled 1d100 = 61 {[61]}

[19:49] Ā«!Ā» Jack goes back to his room. When he turns to close the door he comes face to face with Lauren, who seemed to have followed him there. She had her hands behind her back and didn't say anything. She just gave a short smile.

[19:50] [Jack] 'my mom is acting weird, I better keep my distĆ£nce' Jack walks away as he says "why did it take so long to make lunch, what's going on?"

[19:51] ** NPC: [Lauren?] "Lunch..." She echoed. "I don't know, is there something going on?" She took a step forward, getting closer as Jack moved away.

[19:53] [Jack] Jack grabs a taser from under the bed in case something happens and puts it on his back "mom, you're acting weird, I don't trust you, you better step back, what are you hiding behind yourself?"

[19:57] ** NPC: [Lauren?] "Why would I be hiding anything behind me?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Why have you been spying on me?"

[19:59] [Jack] "u been acting strange lately, that's why I was spying on you, to see if you were really my mother, you act strange but I'm not stupid" Jack said as he moved further and further away

[20:00] [Jack] "u can't hide anything from me, your evasive answers prove it"

[20:00] Ā«!Ā» Jackā€™s back found the wall.

[20:02] [Jack] Jack tries to look for something to throw at his mother in case something happened

[20:04] ** NPC: [Lauren?] Lauren put her hands at her sides. In her right hand, a large carving knife. "Huh... I have no idea what you're talking about." And with that, she went for Jack to try to stab him.

[20:06] [Jack] Jack grabs the broken drone and throws it at her face, then runs to the door, filming his mother

[20:08] [Jack] Jack tries to dodge the knife before he gets hit

[20:08] Jack rolled 1d100 = 2 {[2]}

[20:12] Ā«!Ā» Jack feels the metal enter his body, cold. It's a terrible pain, his vision is blurred and he tastes iron in his mouth as if he's running out of air.

[20:12] Jack rolled 1d100 = 15 {[15]}

[20:14] Ā«!Ā» By luck or perhaps panic, Jack manages to shake his head and recover, just to see that he was holding onto his mother's arm. The knife was removed and he could feel the blood starting to run cold down his skin.

[20:15] Ā«!Ā» Lauren pulled the knife out and tried to stab the teenager again in the abdomen.

[20:16] [Jack] Even with little strength, Jack tried to dodge Lauren's stab and escape.

[20:16] Jack rolled 1d100 = 70 {[70]}

[20:20] Ā«!Ā» Jack's mother's arm comes down hard and he has a muscle spasm trying to get away. He stumbles to the side and the knife misses, he falls backwards while Lauren tries to follow him with the knife but he manages to escape and starts running into the hallway.

[20:20] Jack rolled 1d100 = 74 {[74]}

[20:21] Jack rolled 1d100 = 64 {[64]}

[20:29] Ā«!Ā» Jack managed to run down the hallway, he even got considerably close to the door, only for Lauren to throw herself at him and corner him again with the knife.

[20:30] ** NPC: [Lauren?] "What's going on Jack...? You're acting weird, you know?" She said in a voice that didn't seem to match the same person holding the knife, and tried to attack him once more.

[20:36] [Jack] Jack tries to kick Lauren in the nose with his heel to try to escape

[20:36] Jack rolled 1d100 = 40 {[40]}

[20:41] Ā«!Ā» Jack remembered in the middle of the movement that he had never trained taekwondo or... gotten into a fight in his life. As soon as he lifted his leg, Lauren grabbed it and stuck the knife between one of his ribs. He felt the difficulty in breathing and the pure shock of the situation again. Lauren pulled out the knife and tried to stab him from top to bottom, mumbling something that Jack didn't understand.

[20:45] [Jack] Jack tried again to escape from Lauren, trying to punch her in the nose to get away

[20:45] Jack rolled 1d100 = 78 {[78]}

[20:48] Ā«!Ā» The stab hadn't even hit properly, it was a cut from above while Jack was too close trying to punch Lauren, but he was feeling exhaustion setting in. He was breathing very heavily, his neck was dripping with sweat, and his joints hurt. The cuts hurt too, and in general the fatigue and the stabs made everything more difficult. Lauren was also panting a little, but not much, and took advantage of the knife being free for another stab.

[20:50] [Jack] With the little strength he had left, he tried to dodge the stab, trying to get away from Lauren.

[20:53] Ā«!Ā» Lauren stabbed the air in front of Jack, and he managed to lower his head fast enough, but not before receiving a small cut on his forearm. Jack stumbled forward, adrenaline taking over, and took off running.

[20:53] Jack rolled 1d100 = 20 {[20]}

[20:56] Ā«!Ā» Jack ran to the front door and came face to face with it, discovering that it was locked. Lauren hadn't moved yet, just watching Jack's futile effort as he tried to open the door. The good part was that Jack had put some distance between them.

[20:56] ** NPC: [Lauren?] "Where are you going? Come back here." She said, taking a step forward.

[20:57] [Jack] Jack runs straight to the kitchen and jumps out the window

[20:57] Jack rolled 1d100 = 100 {[100]} (Critical failure lmao)

[20:59] Ā«!Ā» Jack stumbled through the house, his legs - especially the one he had tried to kick with earlier - burning. He could feel a cramp coming on. As he tried to jump out the window, his foot got stuck and he fell chest first into the sink. Lauren had arrived at the kitchen door at that moment.

[21:00] [Jack] Jack in sheer desperation tries to get up and jump out the window

[21:00] Jack rolled 1d100 = 90 {[90]}

[21:02] Ā«!Ā» Jack finds out too late that he has sprained his ankle. As he tries to get up, he slips again and falls to the side, getting up just in time to see Lauren coming for his back with the knife.

[21:03] [Jack] Jack tries once again to jump out the window

[21:03] Jack rolled 1d100 = 13 {[13]}

[21:08] Ā«!Ā» The knife stuck in Jack's back, and he was held down despite his efforts. She straddled Jack's back and pulled the knife out, a terrible pain reverberating through his body. Jack felt her pull his hair. His eyes saw only the ceiling and the kitchen door, half-open. So close to... something.

[21:10] ** NPC: [Lauren?] The thing that didn't seem to be Lauren put the tip of the knife to Jack's throat, still pulling his neck far beyond where Jack thought his neck could go.

[21:10] ** NPC: [Lauren?] "What do you kids say again?" Jack could no longer speak, he felt himself slowly suffocating in his own blood.

[21:10] ** NPC: [Lauren?] ā€œOh yeah.ā€

[21:10] ** NPC: [Lauren?] ā€œGame over.ā€

[21:11] Ā«!Ā» Lauren ripped the knife out of Jack's neck and slammed his head on the floor, leaving him right there to feel his life slip away, and die slowly on the kitchen floor.